Sponsor & Donate

Any amount helps us achieve our goals, Your support Matters

All of our programs, events and courses will be a product of fundraising opportunities and community donations, so if you are quite not ready for the responsibility of owning a pygmy goat and or are not able to sponsor a member of SJPGA or the club, Please donate to the SJPGA and help a youth from our county with his or her pygmy goat project.



While the SJPGA is a non-profit organization, donations are not tax deductible. Donations are accepted for the General Fund only, they can not be for a specified use. For information on how to donate, click on the button


Scan the QR Code or click on the image for the Linktr.ee


Sponsor SJPGA

If you have questions about sponsoring for the San Joaquin Pygmy Goat Association at one of our events or local farms , please contact us below:

Thank you to our sponsors. Your contribution provides opportunities for our youth that allows them to learn and experience pygmy husbandry and showing. We are incredibly grateful for all the support you've shown us.